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How to Earn the Eagle Eye Medal in COD Mobile

Are you an avid player of Call of Duty Mobile and wondering how to earn the prestigious Eagle Eye Medal? In this guide, we will walk you through effective strategies and tips to help you achieve this coveted accolade.

The Eagle Eye Medal is a symbol of precision and accuracy, and earning it showcases your exceptional sniping skills. So, let’s dive into the world of snipers and learn how to become a true marksman in COD Mobile.

Call of Duty Mobile is renowned for its diverse range of medals that players can earn. Among these medals, the Eagle Eye Medal holds a special place due to the skill required to attain it. This medal is awarded to players who consistently display exceptional accuracy and precision while using sniper rifles in the game.

If you’re ready to step up your sniping game and earn the Eagle Eye Medal, read on for some valuable insights.

What is the Eagle Eye Medal?

The Eagle Eye Medal is a recognition bestowed upon players who demonstrate unparalleled accuracy and precision with sniper rifles in Call of Duty Mobile.

It signifies your ability to hit precise shots, especially headshots, which are essential for snipers. Earning this medal not only showcases your skill but also grants you a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Benefits of Earning the Eagle Eye Medal

  1. Prestige and Recognition: The Eagle Eye Medal is a mark of distinction, highlighting your expertise as a sniper in COD Mobile. It distinguishes you from other players and earns you respect within the gaming community.
  2. Unlockable Rewards: Achieving the Eagle Eye Medal often comes with additional rewards such as in-game currency, weapon skins, or special sniper rifle variants. These rewards serve as a testament to your dedication and proficiency.
  3. Personal Growth: Pursuing the Eagle Eye Medal pushes you to improve your sniping skills. Through practice and learning, you’ll develop a higher level of accuracy, which can enhance your overall gameplay.

Strategies to Earn the Eagle Eye Medal

To increase your chances of earning the Eagle Eye Medal, implement the following strategies:

Aim for Headshots

Headshots are the key to earning the Eagle Eye Medal. When using a sniper rifle, aim for the head of your opponents to maximize your chances of a one-shot kill. Practice your aim and develop muscle memory to consistently hit headshots.

Utilize Sniper Rifles

Equip yourself with powerful sniper rifles that suit your playstyle. Experiment with different rifles, scopes, and attachments to find the perfect combination that complements your sniping skills.

Play Tactical Game Modes

Tactical game modes, such as Search and Destroy or Sniper Only matches, provide opportunities to focus solely on sniping. These modes often have maps that favor long-range engagements, allowing you to showcase your sniper prowess.

Improve Your Accuracy

Take time to fine-tune your sensitivity settings. Find a balance that allows you to aim precisely while maintaining fluid movement. Additionally, consider practicing with bots or participating in sniper-focused training modes to enhance your accuracy.

Mastering Quick Scoping

Quick scoping is a technique that involves quickly scoping in and firing a shot. It requires precise timing and coordination. Practice this technique to swiftly eliminate opponents and increase your chances of earning the Eagle Eye Medal.

Use High-Zoom Scopes

High-zoom scopes provide better visibility and accuracy over long distances. Experiment with different scopes to find the one that suits your playstyle and helps you hit those long-range shots with ease.

Communicate with Your Teammates

Effective communication with your teammates can significantly enhance your sniping performance. Coordinate your actions, share information about enemy positions, and provide cover fire for your teammates to create a strong sniper team.

Practice and Patience

Earning the Eagle Eye Medal takes time and dedication. Practice regularly, analyze your gameplay, and learn from your mistakes. Patience is crucial, as becoming a skilled sniper requires perseverance and a willingness to improve.

Becoming a master sniper and earning the Eagle Eye Medal in COD Mobile is no easy task. It requires practice, dedication, and a commitment to improving your accuracy and precision. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be on your way to achieving this prestigious accolade.

Remember, it’s not just about the medal but the personal growth and satisfaction that come with becoming a true marksman.


Q1. Can I earn the Eagle Eye Medal with any sniper rifle in COD Mobile? A1. Yes, you can earn the Eagle Eye Medal with any sniper rifle in the game. However, certain rifles may offer better performance and ease of use depending on your playstyle.

Q2. Are headshots the only way to earn the Eagle Eye Medal? A2. While headshots significantly contribute to earning the medal, consistent accuracy and precision with sniper rifles also play a vital role.

Q3. Is it necessary to play in a team to earn the Eagle Eye Medal? A3. No, you can earn the medal by playing solo or in a team. However, effective communication and coordination with teammates can enhance your sniping performance.

Q4. How long does it take to earn the Eagle Eye Medal? A4. The time required to earn the medal varies from player to player. It depends on factors such as individual skill, practice time, and dedication to improving sniping abilities.

Q5. Are there any other medals related to sniping in COD Mobile? A5. Yes, COD Mobile features several other medals related to snipings, such as Long Shot Medal, One Shot One Kill Medal, and Quick Scope Medal.